another 32-bit RISC-V embedded controller. this one's 320mhz. sadly only 48 pins on this one otherwise i'd seriously consider using it in the 15in laptop PCB2.
--- crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware:
On Wednesday 30. November 2016 04.27.12 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
On the EE Times article about the Open-V, I think someone related to this was discussing collaboration with someone representing the Open-V effort. I feel a bit bad for the Open-V people now, given that this seems to be virtually ready to ship, whereas the Open-V campaign is largely concerned with fabrication and will only be delivering boards in over a year's time.
One thing I find interesting is this:
"Memory: 16 KB Instruction Cache, 16 KB Data Scratchpad"
Did I misunderstand or is the "scratchpad" effectively a data cache that is also the full extent of the available memory? In other words, there seems to not be any external memory. I guess that would make the board fit in with the Arduino-like products it is compared to, but then one could argue that "microcontroller" might be more accurate than "SoC".
Still, it looks like a promising start for a range of products.