after manuel asked if it was ok to have a specific CPU Card only support one OS, i had a bit of a think about that, and wanted to run an idea by everyone.
the discussion is basically "should all CPU Cards work with all base units with all OSes?" meaning that we have a *three-way* (3D) matrix of options:
a) CPU Cards b) base units c) OSes
previously we had discussed the idea of OSes being able to auto-download (in some fashion) such that CPU Cards could adapt to the base unit.
i have an alternative idea which i think may turn out to be more workable... at least slightly simpler.
the idea is quite simple:
* tie the OS to the CPU Card * have the OS adapt (as best as possible) to the base unit *without* needing OS updates (as best as practical)
the implications are that, for example (manuel?) the Gaming OS should adapt so that if the CPU Card is plugged into a laptop base, it should go "oh, i am in a laptop base, i have no touch screen but that's ok i have a mouse, and oh look i have a joystick rather than a set of analog track-pads".
given that most games have some form of in-game configuration options for keys/mouse/joystick etc. would this be workable at all?