just a quick update, the past week has been ridiculously busy, the folding portable printer is going well, frame's constructed, parts are arriving, i'm maintaining a set of pictures here: http://lkcl.net/3dprinters/portable.sandwich200/rev1/
the primary thing right now is to get a printer that's functional so that i can continue to print the laptop parts and potential redesigns of both the printer and the laptop no matter where i am. i've made a couple of design errors in the printer which make it awkward to assemble and disassemble, but it is still actually possible to pack up so i am not going to correct those immediately, i have a very limited amount of time before i leave holland.
thank you so much to the people who've sponsored the printer, i couldn't be doing this without your support.
--- crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68