I second (third? thank you Boris) Zap's call as well. Julie -- I appreciate your apology, regardless of for whom it is meant. For the future: there is a difference between what you can call a "wise endurance" and a "foolish persistence" -- but the line between them is far thinner than I think most folks would like to think. Something to meditate on :)

Wolfgang, perhaps you should not post while angry -- it sounds a bit like you yourself are trying to start something, and that's not cool.

As for Luke. I am blown away by his description of how his mind works -- and, yet, it reminds me somewhat of the gifts of a lot of people I know and know about. It's kind of ironic how, seemingly, everyone's gift is both a blessing and a curse (so to speak). In particular, he reminds me of Cassandra of Troy, a close relative of the (slightly) more famous Helen. Ancient Greek mythos has it that Apollo wanted Cassandra to be his, er, lady for a night, and she agreed and then had second thoughts... so he gave her the ability to see the future -- except that she could never convince anyone of it! I sense that Luke's mind gives him a similar struggle -- he can tell you that something is bad (or not), but heaven help the both of you if you must know why...

It's both fascinating and tragic at the same time.

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 10:36 AM, Boris Barbour <boris.barbour@ens.fr> wrote:

On 12/02/17 16:26, zap wrote:
> Can we all just calm down, about the systemd thing.

Agree - it's easy to criticise and hard to make. Luke is doing the jobs
of a whole team of designers. People will be able to install what they
want on the hardware. I suggest that getting it together is by far the
most important thing at this stage.

Best wishes to all,

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