On 24/11/2016, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl@lkcl.net wrote:
On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 2:55 AM, Advrk Aplmrkt avkaplmkt@gmail.com wrote:
I just got a reponse. They re-iterated that there are "no binary blobs or proprietary microcode on the Open-V microcontroller". Interestingly they also said "for RYF certification, we hadn't really considered it because the FSF likely has no interest in certifying microcontrollers. Of course, now we're curious, so we'll get in touch with them and find out!"
can you please send me their email addresses (by way of cc introduction) and i'll introduce them.
OK, will do! Maybe one day there will be a RISC-V based EOMA68 computer!